Fiona Daly YOGA
I don't run retreats myself but I can suggest the following teachers and organisations that do; so if you’re looking for an amazing yoga experience home or away then get in touch with the following by clicking the link. I have exerienced some fantastic yoga with them and made some beautiful and life long firends along the way.
Jacqueline Godfrey
Jac is a JIvamukti teacher with a passion for bhakti and teaches in Cambridge and Essex, and runs retreats in UK, Europe and beyond. Jac has led Morocco an Portugal which I have attended.
Dawn Wright
Dawn runs some wonderful workshops and weekend retreats in the Cotwolds and fabulous retreats abroad. I retreated to Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Thaliand and India with Dawn. Next stop Sri Lanka!
The moment is never lasting, ever changing, crazy amazing. Love it, live it. Create. Be!.
All copyright of Fiona Daly 2025.